I hope this email finds you safe and healthy this Easter weekend. I am reminded this morning of being a kid riding to the beach with my family. We would not even be to Columbia and I would already be asking, “How much longer till we get there?” Then we would get past Jimmy Carter Fireworks near Marion and I would be asking, “Are we there yet?” 

I am getting those same feelings as we enter week 3 or 4 of this pandemic. My best guess is that we are somewhere around Columbia on this trip, but we are about to hit the backroads. The ride gets a little more enjoyable as we start noticing the scenery around us and not just the bumper of the car in front of us.

The COVID -19 pandemic has brought forth a wide range of emotions for me and probably you as well, depending on how it is affecting you and your family.  It has also given us time to reconnect with the people that mean the most to us, without the distraction of constantly having to be somewhere.  I even slowed down enough to watch Tiger King!

Times like this can test everyone’s resolve and patience. I constantly remind myself that something good will come out of this like it tells us in Romans 8:28, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”  My hope and belief is that we will be a stronger state and nation because of it.

For those who continue to remain on the front line, we thank you for your service. Many in our community and throughout our state are sacrificing time with their families and their own well-being to care for others. To all the nurses, doctors, first responders, maintenance teams at the hospitals, and all others who are serving, we offer our deepest thanks and gratitude. You are our heroes.

Tomorrow is Easter, which reassures us that there is always light after darkness. We still have a few weeks ahead of sheltering in place, and just like the trip to the beach, the last 30 minutes will seem the longest. But I hope we are starting to see the light. 

W e will continue to send updates on the State and Federal responses next week, but if you are having trouble navigating the state agencies, please contact either me or my assistant, Ja’vell Bynoe, at (803) 212-6148. Please visit rossturnersc.com for my past newsletters and to sign up others to receive it.

From my family to yours, we wish you a Happy Easter!
